Never Marry a Guy Who Has These 20 Awful Habits
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So you are single and searching and don’t know where to begin; never marry a guy who has the habits we highlight in this article.
Beyond that, bear in mind that marriage is a lifetime commitment. Therefore, you must look for someone with whom you have shared interests. Above all, what could be better than landing a best friend for a spouse?
Now that you’ve gotten the idea, let’s dig into the 20 habits of people you must avoid for you to marry a guy who is the right partner.
1. Never Marry a Guy Who is Disrespectful

Respect is a plug of love’s engine that keeps it going.
Balanced against this, a guy who consistently disrespects you, your friends, or family members is a major red flag. How do I tell the signs, you may ask?
Disrespect in a relationship can manifest in various ways, such as
- Belittling comments
- Ignoring your opinions
- Treating you as less than an equal.
2. Lack of Ambition
Though ambition is important in a partner, they should accompany it with effort and action. You don’t want someone who daydreams of what to do tomorrow but with no action.
In effect, a man who lacks goals or a sense of purpose can become a burden over time.
Look for someone who is motivated and striving to achieve their dreams.
3. Poor Communication Skills
If you want a healthy relationship, then effective communication is your go-to word. When he avoids important conversations, shuts down during arguments, or does not express his feelings, these habits can lead to unresolved conflicts and misunderstandings
As stated above, a best friend would make a perfect partner. Why? Because best friends always communicate with no inhibitions.
Therefore, avoid someone you don’t share much in communication with.
4. Not Financially Responsible
Without a doubt, money problems are a leading cause of stress in relationships.
A financially irresponsible man who has significant debt without a plan to repay it, or spends recklessly (on non-essentials) can destabilize your future.
Look for a man who:
- At least has some income
- Pays his bills on time
- Makes an effort to cater to some of your needs
- Has a plan for the future, e.g., in investments.
5. Controlling Behavior
Control in a relationship can take many forms, from dictating your actions and decisions to isolating you from friends and family.
You will notice this red flag early in a man if he:
- Wants to know your every move
- Wants to scroll your phone to see who you have talked to
- Criticizes your dress and tells you what you should wear instead.
The behaviors often stem from insecurity and can escalate to emotional or physical abuse. Avoid this guy at all costs.
6. Substance Abuse
Don’t marry a guy who is addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other substances.
Here’s what happens when you marry such a person.
You wreak havoc on the relationship since it often leads to trust issues, financial problems, and emotional distress.
They always prioritize the satisfaction of their addiction over any other need.
7. Lack of Empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand your emotions. If your guy lacks it, never marry him.
In essence, understanding and supporting each other in a relationship is paramount.
In contrast, a man who shows little concern for your feelings, needs, or well-being is unlikely to be a supportive partner.
8. Infidelity
He can’t zip his trousers? Then that’s a big NO.
Trust is crucial in any relationship. In case he has a history of cheating or shows signs of unfaithfulness, it’s a significant red flag that can lead to heartache and betrayal.
I’m sure for your peace of mind you don’t want to know there is someone you are sharing your mate with.
9. Anger Issues
Does he yell at you always? Probably apologizes as an afterthought?
Is he physically aggressive?
If you answered yes to these questions, then my friend ran.
A man who cannot control his temper is a danger to your emotional and physical safety. Never marry them.
10. Dishonesty
Want to know a secret?
Honesty is the cornerstone of trust. And another thing… trust forms a pillar of a strong relationship.
Therefore, a habitual liar, even about small things, can create an environment of doubt and insecurity in the relationship.
Walk away from a guy who has the habit of lying.
11. Irresponsibility
To know if the guy you want to marry is irresponsible, here are a few telltale signs:
- He forgets important dates, e.g. your birthday (who does that?)
- Neglects simple household duties (like a cup he has used and has to wait for you to clean up)
- Being unreliable
- Forgets to meet obligations, e.g. pay bills.
The above can lead to frustration and resentment over time. Save yourself by not marrying such a guy.
12. Momma’s Boy
My mom wouldn’t tell me that. (after an argument)
She prepares better meals than this.
My mom wakes me in the morning.
And the list is endless.
While having a close relationship with family is great, being overly dependent on parents for decision-making and support can indicate a lack of maturity and independence.
The truth is, such men never grow up. Just remove them from your life.
13. Jealousy
He saw you with another man and even without wanting to know who he was, seethed with anger.
If he is uncomfortable when you speak to other people, especially those of the opposite gender, you get into a raw deal if you marry him.
In a word, excessive jealousy can be toxic and lead to controlling behavior. A guy who constantly questions your interactions with others or exhibits possessive tendencies can create a suffocating environment.
What’s more, those who exhibit such tendencies rarely change even when given another chance.
14. Neglects Personal Hygiene

Never marry a guy who has the habit of taking a bath rarely, not brushing his teeth, doesn’t change underwear, is unkempt, has smelly feet, does not make his bed, never cleans utensils after eating, e.t.c.
Moreover, personal hygiene is a reflection of self-respect and consideration for others. A man who neglects basic hygiene habits can show a lack of care for himself.
Subsequently, how will he care for you and your relationship?
15. Negative Outlook on Life
A perpetually negative attitude can drain the joy and positivity from your relationship.
Never marry a guy who constantly complains, sees the worst in every situation, or lacks gratitude. It can affect your overall happiness.
16. Lack of Respect for Boundaries
Everyone needs personal space.
Respecting personal boundaries is, therefore, crucial in any relationship.
If he consistently oversteps your boundaries or disregards your need for space and privacy, it can lead to feelings of suffocation and resentment.
Resent such a person.
17. Manipulative Behavior
Manipulation can be subtle but harmful.
In fact, a guy who frequently uses guilt, threats, or emotional blackmail to get his way is displaying toxic behavior that can erode trust and respect.
How will you survive such a marriage?
18. Selfishness
In case you need a successful relationship, it requires compromise and mutual support.
A man who consistently puts his needs and desires above yours is unlikely to be a considerate and loving partner.
A good man to marry is selfless.
19. Inconsistent Actions
It’s a no-brainer that actions speak louder than words.
If his behavior is inconsistent, making promises he doesn’t keep, or frequently changing his mind, it can lead to instability and distrust. Avoid a man like that.
20. Poor Conflict Resolution Skills
Disagreements are normal in any relationship (expect yours to have some). But how you handle them is the focal point.
A man who holds grudges, avoids resolving conflicts, and resorts to silent treatment can create long-term issues.
He should be a smooth negotiator, solving problems rather than avoiding them.
Final Thoughts
There you have it. Don’t marry a guy with the above 20 habits.
In conclusion, choosing a life partner is one of your most significant decisions.
While no one is perfect, recognizing and addressing these harmful habits early can save you from future heartache.
So look for a partner who respects you, communicates effectively, and shares your values for a loving and supportive relationship.
What other bad habits would you avoid to marry a guy? Please share in the comments.
James is a published author, blogger, and content writer.
He writes about relationships, marriage, and self-improvement to bring out the best in you.
When not writing, he enjoys having a bourbon and coke, playing with his cat, and traveling the world to discover new places.
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